
I collaborated with a team of 8 other students at AIE to create this game in Unity.
During this project I learnt a lot. The biggest push to learn was when our lead programmer left the project. The two of us remaining had to learn the core systems that were put in place, and improve on them to meet the designers needs in little time.

My Roles

Utility based AI system

During pre-production and alpha, the AI was going to be interacting with the environment, so I decided that a Utility based system would suit this situation best.

I implemented the scoring for each action using a Node Based editor to allow for easy modification.

Dissolve shader

The unity asset ShaderForge was used to create the see through building effect.

I used the distance of each fragment in world space to the camera's forward and a noise texture to calculate if that fragment should be drawn or not.

Camera shake, Playing Animations and Particles

The camera shake uses a trauma value which effects the shake strength exponentially, and perlin noise for the shake to be much smoother.

Over world player movement

The original movement was very awkward so I decided to remake it. I raycast from the mouse on screen to a plane that is at the players feet to get the direction of movement.

The following player moves toward.

Source Code


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